Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nothin' but a "G" Thang Baby

I've been hearing a lot of conversation about the benefit of cloth diapers versus the disposable kind...
The disposables take 500 years to breakdown and add to landfills
The cloth services wash the diapers about 8 times and need to use fuel and vehicles to pick up and drop off... not to mention my daddy didn't like the idea of saving poopy diapers all week.

We were conflicted until...

my aunt Shafie turned my folks on to G Diapers a couple of months before I was born. It's a hybrid disposable system that can be flushed down a toilet or composted (if you have a garden). Or even if you throw it in the trash, will biodegrade in a matter of weeks.

It takes a little extra work, but I'm starting my life with a smaller environmental footprint...
and my tush looks cute in the pants.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I just found your blog today. I'm curious to know how these diapers are working out for you. Your little darling is adorable!

Deanna said...

hi guys, We LOVE the g diapers too! Cannot wait to use them - how are they working out? I here they rock other then the 'swish' stick is a little goofy! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon! Deanna

shafie18 said...