Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where's the Maki?

Being that my mom decided not to eat raw fish throughout her pregnancy for my benefit, I thought she was entitled to indulge. My Grandma Lorraine agreed and everyone went to our favorite brooklyn sushi spot, Blue Ribbon.
I made it easy on them and slept in my sling on my daddy the entire meal. By the time I woke up, there was none left for me...

Nothin' but a "G" Thang Baby

I've been hearing a lot of conversation about the benefit of cloth diapers versus the disposable kind...
The disposables take 500 years to breakdown and add to landfills
The cloth services wash the diapers about 8 times and need to use fuel and vehicles to pick up and drop off... not to mention my daddy didn't like the idea of saving poopy diapers all week.

We were conflicted until...

my aunt Shafie turned my folks on to G Diapers a couple of months before I was born. It's a hybrid disposable system that can be flushed down a toilet or composted (if you have a garden). Or even if you throw it in the trash, will biodegrade in a matter of weeks.

It takes a little extra work, but I'm starting my life with a smaller environmental footprint...
and my tush looks cute in the pants.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

For Those About to Poop...

Cribrock - Full Metal Diaper, a gift from auntie reb has been awesome. Every time I get nudgy, a xylophone version of We're Not Gonna Take It calms me right down. My daddy tells me it's embarrassing humming a staccato version of Crazy Train on the subway, but my mommy has been dancing all over the apartment, so he'll have to deal...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dance Magic Dance...

Auntie Gila got me these wonderful pajamas and told my mom that it would make me look like the baby from Labyrinth...

Spit Up on my Heart...

Because I have been sleeping a lot, you might get the impression I don't do very much around here. I just wanted to show off my animation with a little video of my exceeding charm...

This is How I roll...

little baby in a big carriage...

A Star is Born...

I had my first photo shoot with child photographer and family friend Rebecca Shapiro. I also had 3 looks (wardrobe changes) and Grandma and Zeide Kravitz as my stylists / nap coordinators...

Brooklyn Baby

I arrived home after only 24 hours of life and there's not much to do here except cry...

and sleep...

Hello World...

I decided that I wanted to see the year come in with my own two eyes. So at 4pm (with plenty of time to celebrate new years eve) I came flying into the world. At 7lbs. 4oz. and 20 1/4 inches long, I was happy to see my parents for the first time. Grandma and Zeide Kravitz were there to lend a little more family support (and coordinating wardrobe).