Monday, December 22, 2008

Walkin' the Walk

Hey everybody... look what I can do...

Dancin' the Dance

Not quite as impressive as my walking, this is just a taste of my rump shaking...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Up, Up and Away...

My mommy took us out for chimichangas and margaritas tonight (again they wouldn't let me participate). Everyone there was so nice. They gave me my first balloon. I was so happy and excited that I hugged it, and kissed it, and talked to it, and dug my little bottom teeth in it and BOOM!!

my big pink balloon went to balloon heaven.

A fond farewell...

We went out a few weeks ago to see the last day of Coney Islands famous Astroland. It was right off the boardwalk where my Grandpa Al was a lifeguard. Today marked it's last day. And while the Cyclone and a few other rides will remain, they said I was too little to ride... what jerks. Mommy and Daddy wouldn't even give me a bite of their Nathan's hotdog...

Curiouser, and Curiouser

Although it's a bit belated (my daddy's been busy), I wanted to tell everyone about what a wonderful time I had camping this summer. It wasn't camping so much as it was cabins on an island, but it was fuuuun! They had dogs, and s'mores, and watermelon and giant mushrooms...

Jet settin with a diaper bag

After my trip to Canada, would you believe I have a passport already? It's good until I'm 5, which is strange because I'll probably look a lot different. (with teeth and hair and whatnot)...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Go Greased Lightning...

My daddy isn't sure if this is considered "crawling", but I can sure get around now. It looks like a military crawl, but just look at me go...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Toothless no more...

After a few night of pain and screaming, I finally found out that it was a new tooth coming in. Mommy is so proud and now tells me that I can defend myself against other babies... they better look out.

Friday, August 8, 2008

We are Family...

Yellowknife also allowed me to meet all my Canadian cousins for the first time and their mom and dad. Elijah, Cassidy, Abby, and Sammy (who gave me a bunch of his old toys).

The Great White North... not so white in the summer time

After 3 flights (my longest trip ever) I landed in Yellowknife in the NorthWest Territories to see my Grandma and Zeyda and my Aunt Gila. The gave me the biggest hugs. My daddy was surprised to see that there was no snow on the ground. (He's only been there in the winter), but they still have a polar bear in the airport.

It was also my first trip through customs. I even have my own passport now...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I once caught a baby THIS BIG...

So in the absurd amount of time since a post for this blog was written, I have not only grown, but I have grown off the charts. I am proudly in the 101% in height for babies my age. My daddy is already working on my jump shot...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries...

This weekend, my aunt Gila and uncle Murray stopped in New York on their way to the Dominican Republic to visit me. Sunday was gloomy, but we decided to go to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to see the cherry blossoms in bloom.

It was so pretty, like a dream... so pretty in fact that my daddy put up a whole bunch of pictures.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Look Ma, Both Hands...

Not sure why everyone is making such a big deal about me holding my bottle by myself today... When you're hungry, you gotta take things into your own hands... Am I right?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Today my daddy took Mom and I to the Museum of Modern Art. They decided to become members and we were able to see previews of a Olafur Eliasson exhibition. We loved the colors and the lights. I also loved the Van Gogh paintings. When we entered the Picasso room, I spit up and fell asleep.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just another pretty face...

My daddy just wanted to put a picture of me up today before he leaves for work.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I'm ready for my close-up...

Today my Mommy and Daddy finally agreed that it was time to get my pretty face in front of a movie camera. Their friends brother (an NYU film student) was filming a short film at the NYU soundstages. It was 35mm and had a real professional crew. They needed me to cry, then to sleep, then to cry again, and then to giggle. I was more than happy to oblige. Now they call me One-Take Daphne. That's me in the picture above taking a nap between scenes. It's exhausting work. Like every movie star, I had a stand-in. Because real babies were in short supply, they used a doll to plan out the scenes before I came to set. They referred to the stand-in as "horror baby". Creepy thing, it felt like it was staring at me.

Friday, March 21, 2008

And the Livin' is Easy...

Our trip to Florida made me wish for the weather to warm up in N.Y.
I sure love sitting poolside...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Your Mama Don't Rock & Roll...

My parents' friends Mando and Sara lent them guitar hero and my mama wasn't gonna let my whining mood mess with her ability to rock.

The Great White North... sort of.

You know what urban Inuit babies play on in Brooklyn? Wooden polar bear rockers, that's what.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Shot To the Tush...

Mommy and Daddy took me over to my great pediatrician in Park Slope today. I was so relaxed and happy. And then... They Stuck a Needle in MY TUSH! It was time for my first vaccination, and while I was understandably upset, after leaving the doctor I was fine. No fever or crying, thanks to my mommy taking wonderful care of me. All my daddy did was video tape my crying... what a jerk...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Daphne on Rye

This past month, I was lucky enough not only to meet my aunt andrea, cousins wendy and her daughter caitlin and great grandma shirley from florida, but... They wanted to have lunch at juniors. My Daddy says that pastrami is his guilty pleasure and although I couldn't eat it yet, I was happy with the smell.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My First Primary

Mommy and Daddy were allowed to bring me into the voting booth in my first foray into politics in Brooklyn's 55th district. I found the process pretty boring so I slept...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where's the Maki?

Being that my mom decided not to eat raw fish throughout her pregnancy for my benefit, I thought she was entitled to indulge. My Grandma Lorraine agreed and everyone went to our favorite brooklyn sushi spot, Blue Ribbon.
I made it easy on them and slept in my sling on my daddy the entire meal. By the time I woke up, there was none left for me...

Nothin' but a "G" Thang Baby

I've been hearing a lot of conversation about the benefit of cloth diapers versus the disposable kind...
The disposables take 500 years to breakdown and add to landfills
The cloth services wash the diapers about 8 times and need to use fuel and vehicles to pick up and drop off... not to mention my daddy didn't like the idea of saving poopy diapers all week.

We were conflicted until...

my aunt Shafie turned my folks on to G Diapers a couple of months before I was born. It's a hybrid disposable system that can be flushed down a toilet or composted (if you have a garden). Or even if you throw it in the trash, will biodegrade in a matter of weeks.

It takes a little extra work, but I'm starting my life with a smaller environmental footprint...
and my tush looks cute in the pants.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

For Those About to Poop...

Cribrock - Full Metal Diaper, a gift from auntie reb has been awesome. Every time I get nudgy, a xylophone version of We're Not Gonna Take It calms me right down. My daddy tells me it's embarrassing humming a staccato version of Crazy Train on the subway, but my mommy has been dancing all over the apartment, so he'll have to deal...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dance Magic Dance...

Auntie Gila got me these wonderful pajamas and told my mom that it would make me look like the baby from Labyrinth...

Spit Up on my Heart...

Because I have been sleeping a lot, you might get the impression I don't do very much around here. I just wanted to show off my animation with a little video of my exceeding charm...

This is How I roll...

little baby in a big carriage...

A Star is Born...

I had my first photo shoot with child photographer and family friend Rebecca Shapiro. I also had 3 looks (wardrobe changes) and Grandma and Zeide Kravitz as my stylists / nap coordinators...

Brooklyn Baby

I arrived home after only 24 hours of life and there's not much to do here except cry...

and sleep...

Hello World...

I decided that I wanted to see the year come in with my own two eyes. So at 4pm (with plenty of time to celebrate new years eve) I came flying into the world. At 7lbs. 4oz. and 20 1/4 inches long, I was happy to see my parents for the first time. Grandma and Zeide Kravitz were there to lend a little more family support (and coordinating wardrobe).